couverture 399px
1. Christus factus est pro nobis_Motete a 4, A.T. Cobaleda (1711) 2:03
2. Begnigne fac_Miserere, A.T. Cobaleda (1723) 2:18

Ensemble Semura Sonora


Clara Espinosa Encinas & Lucien Julien-Laferrière, leading

Release 31th March 2023 – CD – reference : SEC 07 – run time : 50’40
Label : Seulétoile – Distributing company : Socadisc, Klassik Center (Germany) & iMusician (digital) – ISBN 3770020083129 – CD & booklet printed and made in France

Price 15€

Three centuries ago, for the celebration of the Holy Week festivities, the cathedrals of the whole kingdom of Spain resounded with music where excellence disputed with originality. Among them, the cathedral of Zamora, in the west of Spain, with two of its choirmasters: Juan García de Salazar, who saw the seventeenth century close, and Alonso de Cobaleda, his pupil, receiver of the Italianisms of the eighteenth century. Their two styles coexist in this first recording of the Semura Sonora ensemble, which offers us an immersion into the heart of the sonorities of a service of darkness sung on a Holy Wednesday of the 1720s.