Coloquintes Duo

Mathilde Vialle and Alice Julien-Laferrière met in 2007 during their studies at the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique of Lyon. Since then, they haven’t stopped playing together with several ensembles. Both are curious to discover new repertoires. As they enjoyed playing together, they created the Coloquintes Duo.

Followed from their inception by The Small Festival of Music in Trégor, they recorded in 2016 for the Label Son an ero, a first CD : Froberger one to one. Their second record, Louis Couperin one to one, released in 2020, Label Seulétoile, was very well received by the Press and awarded a golden tuning fork.

Used to playing in intimates venues, such as music rooms or bookshops, the Duo also performed at many festivals in France, Poland, Switzerland, Germany and London.
Occasionally, The Coloquintes Duo collaborates with harpsichordists in joint programmes highlighting their transcriptions of keyboard works.