
The album will soon be available to listen to on streaming sites.

1. Kyrie, Mass for 3 voices, William Byrd 1:02
2. Rogero, John Johnson 1:54
3. Springtime, Thomas Morley 1:36

Trio Musica Humana & Elisabeth Geiger

From Byrd

Martial Pauliat, ténor, muselaar | Yann Rolland, contre-ténor | Igor Bouin, baryton | Elisabeth Geiger, muselaar

Release : 14th February 2025 – simple CD – reference : SE 12 – run time : 49’59
Label : Seulétoile –  Distributing company : Socadisc (France), Klassik Center (Germany) & iMusician (digital) – ISBN : 3770020083181 – CD & booklet, printed and made in France

Prix : 15€

For its first recording, the Musica Humana Trio has chosen to record the Mass for 3 voices by William Byrd (1539-1623), and to build around this work a programme for three male voices and virginal, made up of madrigals and instrumental pieces by William Byrd, Thomas Weelkes, Thomas Tomkins, Giles Farnaby, Thomas Morley, and John Johnson.

The three TMH singers met at the Maîtrise Notre-Dame de Paris, where Lionel Sow was choirmaster. This CD is therefore under his aegis, and opens with a text by him. It also includes a text on the muselaar by Elisabeth Geiger, a text on William Byrd by Sébastien Mahieux and a text by Jérémie Arcache, who was responsible for the artistic direction of the album.

Booklet in French and English.